The goal was to go to Magical Dining before going to Halloween Horror Nights (HHN). The original plan was set because my friend’s wife was not interested in going to RusTeak, but my friend and I were. As she does not attend HHN, this was a perfect time to get some food and then hit the park. The actuality was just going to dinner since HHN was closed due to a large corporation renting the park for the evening. After eating the meal, it was better that it worked that way. Continue reading “Magical Dining Month, Venue Nine (RusTeak)”
Tag: HHN
Halloween Horror Nights (HHN) Official Opening Night
For more years than I can count, come mid-September, Universal Studios Orlando (Universal) holds an after hours, additional ticketed event, called Halloween Horror Nights (HHN). They set up houses in old studios or warehouses and do their Universal magic on them to make these houses into horror hell for the unsuspecting. They also have scare zones scattered throughout the park, so the frights are not limited to the houses. Continue reading “Halloween Horror Nights (HHN) Official Opening Night”
Magical Dining Preview Week Day 1 (Chez Vincent)
Most Americans live for Christmas (or the December holidays); some Thanksgiving; still others Halloween. I live for Magical Dining Month. Preview week starts the week of my birthday at the end of August and then the rest of the next month, which leads into Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Orlando and eventually Halloween. Once that first week begins, it is a non-stop rollercoaster of making plans and carrying them out. I used to try to do Food and Wine Fest at EPCOT, but that got too difficult with my allergy as well as trying to fit it in with everything else happening at the same time.
Continue reading “Magical Dining Preview Week Day 1 (Chez Vincent)”