Rainbow Springs/Falls

Rainbow Springs/Falls
Lily, on the road

Gathering my gear for both Lily and myself, I packed for the trip to see some ghosts. Rainbow Springs is an old is a former phosphate mine and later a tourist attraction that eventually went under as Disney took away the attraction and people no longer came to that area. Eventually, the state purchased the property and made it into a state park. The springs and falls still operate as they did back in the day. Continue reading “Rainbow Springs/Falls”

Vague Update – Reason for Delay

I will get back to catching up, but I had a medical emergency and returned home. Due to medical billing practices, I have no idea what my costs will be so I will not know how long it will be until I can travel again if the costs out weight my coffer. I also need to do a followup with a doctor in over a week, so at the very least, I will not be traveling until after that. I am alive but in great pain. Hopefully, that will pass soon because walking and sitting, my two most common tasks, are quite painful at the moment. My New Orleans adventures are the next things I will be writing about and posting, but I owe some people I met reviews on a few travel sites first.

On the bright side, Lily was super happy to be back and run in her yard. I also discovered my foster was adopted yesterday so his story will now be possible to tell.

North to Alaska, Day 1 (Travel Begins)

Tuesday, March 20, 2018:

I woke lazily as I still had not adjusted to Daylight Savings Time. When I finally woke, I packed and debated what to bring due to the variance in temperatures along the trip. Narrowing things down, I was able to get all my gear together and stick everything in the car, so it would fit, Lily would fit, and have extra room. Continue reading “North to Alaska, Day 1 (Travel Begins)”