Slight Catch up

I have acquired my medical bills, but still, do not know what I had. I have test results and nothing seems out of the norm. I will write the details of the experience at a later date. That being said, I’m in the middle of the rest of the NO LA trip and got distracted by editing all my previous posts for grammar and spelling errors. It is interesting to note, I have run these posts through two different systems and there were conflicts as one saw no issues and the other did. They also differed by one trying to correct issues I corrected with the other system and the new system says it is an issue. That being the case, as long as I am not reading and just posting, don’t expect perfection. I will say the post prior to this one had the least issues It was also the only one that I was able to do without a dog interrupting me mid-process.

I hope to have another post tomorrow and start catching up on the travel stories and then move on from there. Nash has been adopted so I feel like I can tell his stories now. I have a few more Belle stories (one is already written, just not posted). Lily has a few she wants everyone to know.

I have plans to travel again and actually make this trip, but it will be in the future. I have an idea of what I need to do next and might put it here, or not. We will see.

Stay tuned. Lates. . .

Vague Update – Reason for Delay

I will get back to catching up, but I had a medical emergency and returned home. Due to medical billing practices, I have no idea what my costs will be so I will not know how long it will be until I can travel again if the costs out weight my coffer. I also need to do a followup with a doctor in over a week, so at the very least, I will not be traveling until after that. I am alive but in great pain. Hopefully, that will pass soon because walking and sitting, my two most common tasks, are quite painful at the moment. My New Orleans adventures are the next things I will be writing about and posting, but I owe some people I met reviews on a few travel sites first.

On the bright side, Lily was super happy to be back and run in her yard. I also discovered my foster was adopted yesterday so his story will now be possible to tell.

A Weak at Home

So, after getting the dogs situated and trying to get back into my pattern the way I intended, I actually got back into my pattern the way Nash and Lily wanted it. The two of them were up to their antics and I was drained of most of my energy over the week. I was able to write a bit over for two days. Continue reading “A Weak at Home”

Key West, Day 5

Time to leave back to Orlando. Lily and I were getting ready to go. I had plans for a hot breakfast that morning at the Inn where I stayed. The stated hours were 7 to 10. I was out the door at 7:00 and nothing was set yet. I walked Lily a bit and she was still being difficult. Checked back and still nothing. Decided to get my car and head back. On the way, we hit up the Old Town Bakery, which happened to open at 6. There was a very small crowd and we were able to get in easily. I thought this was the place the Restaurant Store was, as that place was not the location I had hoped it would be allowing me to get bread on before I headed back. Alas, this was not the place that supplied everyone in Key West with bread, and if it were, they weren’t selling it readily. Continue reading “Key West, Day 5”

Brief Update from NO LA. . .

Plan on getting Key West Day 4 (Part II) up either tonight to tomorrow. Then will start the Alaska Saga. Lily is with me and there will be pictures. It has been mentioned the ones posted so far are too small. I will need more space to put larger images up and possible video. Get me more readers and it will be worth it. Spread the word if you like what you are reading. If you don’t, sorry, the fiction will follow the trip stories.

If you didn’t get it by the title, I’m writing this from NO LA. I have already been in four states in the last day. Gonna be here until Friday, 03/23/2018. Not sure where our next stop will be, but I intend on getting in a ghost tour while I’m here.

Lates. . .

New Theme/Comments are Working

Seems the theme I was using had either broken in the process of the move to the new domain or just sucked all along. Either way, I couldn’t get it to work either based on the attempts I made and the lack of an option that all the help I found suggested changing. That being the case, I have changed the theme to allow comments. I will modify parts in the future because I’m not happy with it, but at least the comments work.

If the dogs continue to stay sleeping, I will write the next two posts that were expected, with a third on the way. Let’s be honest, I’ll write one post, and then do another in a day, and the last of the Keys story after that. In the meantime, here’s a picture of Lily I was able to grab.

Pre-Key, Part II

Getting a late start because I did not pack my stuff yesterday. Lily, on the other hand, was ready to go. Her food, treats, bed, crate – oh the crate!!!, backpack, and the water treatment were packed last night. It dawned on me just now, she needs a toy. She has been a month without. Continue reading “Pre-Key, Part II”