Key West, Day 5

Time to leave back to Orlando. Lily and I were getting ready to go. I had plans for a hot breakfast that morning at the Inn where I stayed. The stated hours were 7 to 10. I was out the door at 7:00 and nothing was set yet. I walked Lily a bit and she was still being difficult. Checked back and still nothing. Decided to get my car and head back. On the way, we hit up the Old Town Bakery, which happened to open at 6. There was a very small crowd and we were able to get in easily. I thought this was the place the Restaurant Store was, as that place was not the location I had hoped it would be allowing me to get bread on before I headed back. Alas, this was not the place that supplied everyone in Key West with bread, and if it were, they weren’t selling it readily. Continue reading “Key West, Day 5”