Turducken (Part two of three)

The meal
The meal

As mentioned yesterday, I will discuss the sides and how the turducken came out, specifically, the sliced turducken. Above is the full meal except for the pies. They are mentioned below.

The Sides

Continue reading “Turducken (Part two of three)”

Turducken (Part one of three)


The last few years I have made a turducken for Thanksgiving. It has come out fine, but I thought buying a premade one was cheating. Honestly, I didn’t know I could make one on my own and have it come out even remotely edible. You can see from the image above, it came out beautifully, but how did it taste? Keep reading, and you’ll find out. Continue reading “Turducken (Part one of three)”

End of November Update

OK, a few quick things:

  1. I have been depressed over the loss of Stan Lee and William Goldman. Two of my personal heroes.
  2. I have a turducken thing I will be writing up but am delayed because of…
  3. Had a foster over the extended weekend and he threw my schedule off completely.
  4. I MIGHT post the first chapter of the novel that follows the Prolog. I might not.
  5. Still waiting on parts from The Table of Ultimate Gaming (TOUG), which is the reason there has not been a follow-up. Trust me; it seems like it might not be nice the way things are going.
  6. The roof saga will be coming soon.
  7. More fiction on the way. If anyone wants to throw a topic out there or several things to include and I might write something based on it.
  8. Another alcohol recipe is on the way as well as an update for the Dark and Gloomy.

That should do it. More to follow in a few days.

Gratuitous dog picture
Gratuitous dog picture

A Cautionary Tale: Just Desserts

The story you are about to read will make no sense. As how would it be possible to tell this story, if these circumstances were true. I cannot in earnest tell you the why that I am able to relay, only the facts in the manner in which they transpired. Continue reading “A Cautionary Tale: Just Desserts”


**Note, this was written in the early 90s. Technology was different then. It was pre-casual internet use. Also, a modern term replaced something that was bugging me at the time it was written. That term was not in general use at the time.


My father once told me that change will occur when you least expect it.  I feel the winds of change blowing.  Does that mean that nothing will happen?
-excerpt from Curtis Tyre’s journal [September 4th]
There is nothing in this world constant, but inconsistency.
-Jonathan Swift:  A Critical Essay upon the Faculties of the Mind [1707]

October was less than three weeks away. By the look on Curt’s face, he Continue reading “Prologue”

Instant Pot Pizza (Phil-Style)

Because of my tomato issues (see FAQs), I don’t eat pizza often, but I do crave it. I recently got a food processor with a dough attachment and am lazy as all get out. Because of that, I figured I could make dough without the time to kneed I didn’t want to deal with. I also didn’t want to wait for the pizza to prove. I read you can prove and make an Instant Pot pizza dough, so I figured I’d try it. Continue reading “Instant Pot Pizza (Phil-Style)”

Dark and Gloomy

Dark and Gloomy

A Dark and Gloomy is perfect for the season. I figure I would post it a little before Halloween so I can get it out there in time for some of the parties that might be happening this time of year. It is actually good any time of year, but because I named it so, I figure a Dark and Gloomy can make a quality end of October libation. Continue reading “Dark and Gloomy”

Deconstructed Cesar Salad and Another Update

Pretty simple Cesar salad. Got the idea from a gastropub I frequent. Just, cut the head of romaine in half and grill flat side until you can see the grill marks. Flip and grill for another minute. Plate and drizzle with Cesar dressing. Added craisins, blue cheese crumbles, and bacon crumbles. The salty bacon enhances the sweet/tart cranberries, with a bit of an extra kick from the blue cheese. Simple and easy to make.

Grilled Cesar

As for an update, the archives are fixed, but it broke all of the permalinks in the process. If there were any articles in the past with a link on social media, they have all broken. If interested in past stories, I suggest going through the archives and reading the headlines. All of the Magical Dining reviews are in. If interested, I would check under the Food Blog heading.