New Theme/Comments are Working

Seems the theme I was using had either broken in the process of the move to the new domain or just sucked all along. Either way, I couldn’t get it to work either based on the attempts I made and the lack of an option that all the help I found suggested changing. That being the case, I have changed the theme to allow comments. I will modify parts in the future because I’m not happy with it, but at least the comments work.

If the dogs continue to stay sleeping, I will write the next two posts that were expected, with a third on the way. Let’s be honest, I’ll write one post, and then do another in a day, and the last of the Keys story after that. In the meantime, here’s a picture of Lily I was able to grab.

New Theme/Comments are Working

Key West, Updates Delayed a Day (or two)

The crap internet at my location is not going to improve and will not until I get home, if I’m lucky, as that was flaking just before I left. My phone internet, which I have been using as a hot spot to do real posts, started acting up real bad today, as well. I sent two posts on Facebook and they did not go through. I thought it was just Facebook, but discovered a pict I sent someone uploaded an hour after I sent it. The message would have made little sense to me if I received it that way. All of this said, my posts about days three and four will be a bit delayed. Please check back, as they will be posted as soon as I have a decent internet connection again. FYI, I just got a picture of Lily as a puppy. It might be up here soon. Stay tuned.

Key West, Day 2

I had a plan. I wanted to eat someplace specific. The last time I was in Key West, it was where I had breakfast before leaving the island, and it was obviously memorable, or I wouldn’t have wanted to return. I checked BringFido again, looking up Sarabeth’s, and saw there were mixed comments, none of which were recent. I mean, the marks were high, but the comments told a different story. They said the people bringing dogs were shoved into a corner and basically treated like second class citizens. I thought the food was good enough that it didn’t matter to me. Continue reading “Key West, Day 2”

Key West, Day 1

I finally arrived and got my room. The person at the front desk was so much a dog lover that she let Lily get away with being a bit of a pain. She also gave her two treats, when she should have only given her one. She offered to help me get my bags up to my room, which was in the back and on the second floor. The bags were not so much an issue as the dog and the crate. I had her take Lily and my smallest bag while Continue reading “Key West, Day 1”

Pre-Key, Part IV

On the way to the Keys, after getting out of the gas station, faster than I wanted to, there was a big accident. I was following my GPS and Waze, so I can see if one had better traffic information. Although the GPS comes with lifetime traffic, it is nothing compared to Waze. It wasn’t updating at all during this incident. Ironically, when it did do a time update, it was the same as Waze. It also takes me to locations faster than Waze at times. I used it the last week, so I could get a feel for how it would work when I needed it. Continue reading “Pre-Key, Part IV”

Pre-Key, Part III

Stopped for gas before getting to the point where it got more expensive. Their payment system was broken so had to go in with Lily. They were cool with it. Overpaid for gas, so had to go back in. Gave Lily water. She would not pee. Was going to leave and a truck with a large boat blocked me. As typing this, the guy in front of me wanted to get out too and asked me to back up. Now on one lane road to Keys.

Pre-Key, Part II

Getting a late start because I did not pack my stuff yesterday. Lily, on the other hand, was ready to go. Her food, treats, bed, crate – oh the crate!!!, backpack, and the water treatment were packed last night. It dawned on me just now, she needs a toy. She has been a month without. Continue reading “Pre-Key, Part II”

Pre-Key, Part I

I hope to make this quick, as I have someplace to go and still need to pack, but tomorrow is the beginning of the first leg of the long journey. Lily and I (yes, I said Lily – More on that later), will be heading south and be going to the Keys for a week.

So many issues getting to this point. Continue reading “Pre-Key, Part I”

The Belle’s, Part III

The next day, I went to work and because it was New Year’s Eve, I had a half day. Taking the second half of the day, I went to visit a doctor to get things looked at. He was the doctor that my office used and was a really nice guy, but not too reassuring. He said the wound looked clean, but they would need to get records of the dog to make sure I did not need shots. So now the scariest concept came to pass… Continue reading “The Belle’s, Part III”

A Date with Nanook

There is the sweetest dog in our pack of snow dogs, a husky named Nanook. A rescue now in foster care, he is very much underweight and terminal. We are not sure how long he has to live and even if a time limit were set, they never matter. It’s the same as with humans. Some might say one to three months, and the dog can live for another year or longer. Unfortunately, they do not have a time frame set for him. His diagnosis keeps changing as well. Continue reading “A Date with Nanook”